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UVASORB 3C UV Inhibitor

UVASORB 3C UV Inhibitor

Uvasorb 3c UV inhibitor prevents the premature fading of colored candles
Use 0.1% (1/10 teaspoon per lb. of wax) in your candles
Blocks both UVA and UVB rays

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SKU: P0576537_EA

    Uvasorb 3c UV inhibitor is used to help prevent the premature fading of colored candles exposed to ultraviolet or "UV" light. This additive will also protect white candles from yellowing after prolonged exposure to light.

    Whenever candles are exposed to light, especially direct sunlight, they can fade or even yellow over time. If you use dye in your candles, this discoloration may be more noticeable. To help reduce color fading in your candles, we recommend storing your candles away from areas with excessive heat and light. Our Uvasorb 3c UV inhibitor helps lessen the degree of discoloration over time. This additive is specifically designed to prevent the yellow discoloration caused by sunlight or artificial lighting.

    However, even with the UV inhibitor, it is best to keep your candles out of direct sunlight and shielded from interior lighting as much as possible.

    Candle discoloration is often specific to the individual fragrance oil that was used, although not all fragrances will cause discoloration. While this doesn’t affect the burn or fragrance of the candle, it can affect its appearance.

    Use 0.1% (1/10 teaspoon per lb. of wax) in your candles as a UV inhibitor. A must for outdoor shows and store displays!
    Blocks both UVA and UVB rays.
    Not recommended for use with blacklight responsive colors; it will diminish the effect.

    Wax Additive: UVasorb 3C

    Select a Pack: 1 Pound, 1/4 Pound

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